Why Routine Home Maintenance in Pittsburgh is Essential

Before and After Window Replacement

Before and After Window Replacement by Pittsburgh Area Handyman

Hey there, fellow Yinzers! It's another fine day in the ‘Burgh. As a handyman business owner, I've seen the positives and negatives of many homes. Whether it's a house with a view over the Ohio or one tucked away on a back road in Washington County, there's a golden rule every homeowner should live by: prioritize routine home maintenance. Especially in a place like ours, with a history of four seasons, it's an absolute must.

Why is Home Maintenance in Pittsburgh So Important?

Western Pennsylvania weather? It can be a bit of a roller-coaster. Sunny today, and then, bam, a unexpected shower! Where is Joe DiNardo when you need him? These frequent changes aren't just a challenge for your wardrobe; they can wear down our homes, causing small issues to escalate into wallet-draining problems. This is where consistent home maintenance becomes a saving grace!

3 Expert Tips for Home Maintenance in Pittsburgh

As our city gives us a taste of every season, fend off potential problems:

  • Spring: Post-winter damage? Check your roof, gutters, and foundation for any signs.

  • Summer: Ensure your home is sealed against those summer pests and critters. Birds like to nest under decks, on downspouts and window ledges. Keep an eye out for new wasp nests on the south and east sides of soffit and fascia.

  • Fall: Brace your home for winter! Seal any gaps, insulate properly, and don't forget to clear those gutters. Good luck keeping the stink bugs out though!

  • Winter: Double-check your heating systems and keep an eye on pipes to avoid any freezing.

Garage door fixed and repainted

Before and After Garage Door Painting by Pittsburgh Area Handyman

Guard Your Home’s Exterior: Many of our Pittsburgh homes are a testament to history. The peak population in town was in 1926 and the need for housing has been decreasing since - meaning we have a LOT of 100+ year old homes in the area that pre-date modern building codes and practices. It's essential to frequently inspect the siding, paint, and brickwork. Spotting early signs of chipping or wear means you can act before any real damage sets in, keeping your home looking its best and preventing water penetration.

Stay Vigilant Against Moisture: Pittsburgh's varying weather conditions can sometimes lead to unwanted moisture in homes. Regularly check your basement and attic for signs of dampness or mold. Use dehumidifiers if necessary and ensure proper ventilation. The ideal moisture for a home is 30%-50% relative humidity according to the Environmental Protection Agency. This not only protects the building products in your structure but also ensures a healthier living environment.

How Pittsburgh Area Handyman Can Help

Handyman job concrete gap sealing

Concrete Crack Repair by Pittsburgh Area Handyman

Look, I get it. Between work, the family, and squeezing in a Steelers game, home maintenance in Pittsburgh might not always be top of mind. But that's where we step in!

We're not just any handyman service; we're part of the Pittsburgh family. With a deep understanding of local homes, my team is ready to help you keep your dwelling safe, secure, and looking its best. Be it a quick check-up or a more intricate repair, we've got you covered.

Let's Team Up!

Think of your home as an investment - one we're eager to help you nurture. If home maintenance has been on the back burner for you or you're unsure where to kick things off, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to partner with you, ensuring your house remains a home one task at a time.


Top 5 Fall Home Maintenance Checklist Items