Spring Home Maintenance Checklist Items
As warm weather approaches, it's essential to review specific home maintenance tasks to ensure your house remains in tip top shape coming out of the colder months. Here are Pittsburgh Area Handyman’s top tasks to tackle this spring in Western PA:
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Standing Water, Just Say No:
This center jamb has been neglected far too long
Before the mosquitos come, check around for any potted plants, buckets, etc. that may have clogged drainage or are designed to catch water that may not have been put away in the fall. kielbasa in a bun. A burst pipe is no joke, especially when the temps drop.
You may have gotten lucky leaving your favorite planter out last year, but you should put storing it away on your fall checklist so the freeze thaw cycle doesn’t break it next winter.
Reseal Woodwork:
Some tears will warrant a full mesh replacement
Winter frequently accumulates snow, sleet, slush, and salt on decks and up against wood trim such as around your garage door, potentially causing significant damage to the integrity and finish of wood-based constructions.
Examine the wooden decks, wood trim, and other wooden elements outside your home carefully to check for any warping, staining, or discoloration. If it is soft and squishy, the trim may need to be replaced.
Look for Termites:
The period from March to June marks the peak season for termite activity, during which these pests are most likely to infest and damage the wooden structures within homes.
The appearance of tiny insects emerging from the exterior of a home may indicate a termite infestation. Keep an eye out for their telltale mud tunnels. Observing such signs warrants immediate attention.
If neighbors are undertaking extensive termite treatment measures, such as tenting their home, it's advisable to consult with a licensed pest control professional promptly to assess and protect your property.
Screens can Scream:
Many homes feature screen doors and windows to allow the refreshing spring breeze to circulate inside, aiming to rejuvenate the indoor air quality without letting insects enter. Conduct a thorough inspection around your home to identify any holes in the screens that could permit bugs to infiltrate.
Should you discover any holes, there's no need for concern. Screens are easily repairable using standard repair kits available at most hardware stores or have the screen mesh replaced in entirety.
Siding can come loose, but it is usually a straightforward fix
Check for Leaks:
Basements and attics are common areas where leaks may occur; thorough inspections of these spaces are crucial to ensure that small holes left by winter weather do not become pathways for water ingress.
A musty smell upon entering your attic or basement serves as a potential indication of potential water intrusion. It's essential to investigate these areas for any signs of moisture.
Should you notice discoloration or water stains on walls, ceilings, or other materials, it's imperative to contact a professional promptly to address the issue.
So, it is. Your quick and easy spring home maintenance guide from your favorite Pittsburgh handyman services provider. If you're feeling overwhelmed, or just want a pro to handle the heavy lifting, give us a shout. The Pittsburgh Area Handyman is here to help with all your spring maintenance needs.
Need a hand with spring home maintenance? Drop us a request today, and let's get started! Remember, in Pittsburgh, we're all neighbors. Let's look out for each other.